Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Course Syllabus 2013-2014 School Year

9th Grade U.S. History , 2013-2014

Ms. Manning Room 218  

Class Requirements
·         Class Text
·         Blue/Black Pen
·         Notebook
·         Paper
·         Construction Paper
·         Folder with Prongs
·         Poster Board(s)
Classroom Website:
All assignments, due dates, and important information will be posted here.
Class Format:
Usually project-based.  Class discussion is also prevalent (so you need to be prepared, you need to engage, and you need to participate). Also, some lecture, power points, videos, web-based assignments, group projects, interpretation of primary and secondary documents, and in class essay writing.
·         Assignments:  To receive full credit, all homework assignments must be turned in by the end of class on the assigned due date.  If you are absent, assignments may be turned into me one week after receiving it.  Late work will be accepted, although a percentage of total points will be deducted.  Assignments turned in one class period late will be deducted 30%.  Late assignments turned in more than one class period late will be deducted 50%.
·         Absences:  It is your responsibility to arrange to make up work within three class days (MTW) after you return.   Work not made up will result in a zero being recorded.  If you are absent, it is your responsibility to check the class website for materials and assignments that you have missed.
·         Leaving Class:  In order to leave class you MUST sign-out.  As per school policy, In addition, I will issue you a pass to your destination. 
·         ‘Free Time’:  If you have extra time after completing an assignment, you can do the following. (1.) Read over your work and make sure you have completed the assignment correctly. (2.) Read silently at your desk.  No talking or disruption of class will occur during this time.
·         Extra Credit:  Extra credit opportunities may be given at my discretion. Extra credit cannot be made up. 
·         Academic Dishonesty:  I have a zero tolerance policy for plagiarism/cheating of any kind.  If you are caught cheating, you will receive an automatic zero on the assignment with no chance to make it up.
·         Food and Drink:  All food and drink is prohibited.
·         Electronics:  All electronics are strictly prohibited as per school policy.  This includes cell phones, tablets, MP3 players, and headphones.
·         Seating Chart:  You will be expected to stay in your designated seat for the duration of class.  If you need supplies, you are welcome to grab them, but do not talk to friends on your way. 
·         Like-O-Meter:  I will be keeping up with your good and bad conduct.  Each time you do something good you will receive a point whereas each time you misbehave you will be deducted a point.  This will count for participation/extra credit.
·         Be Respectful:  Keep talking to a minimum, use positive conversation, raise your hand, be tidy, stay seated, keep your hands to yourself.
·         Be Achieving:  Work on assigned tasks, ask for help when needed, turn assignments in on time.
·         There is a test/quiz after each chapter or unit. Tests are usually matching and multiple choice questions, with some short answer and/or essay questions. Students are informed of test dates at least one week in advance and a study guide may be provided. There are in-class review activities, both as a class and individually. There will be a semester final.
Students should bring to class everyday their textbook, assignments, notebook/folder with paper, pen and pencil, and be on-time. Remember, no gum, candy, or any other food or drink is allowed in class.  Minor rule infractions will be handled in-class. Major infractions will be referred to the office and follow the student handbook guidelines.
Typically, homework assignments come from questions out of the textbook, worksheets, and map assignments. An analysis paper will be assigned during the 2nd Quarter.
Unless specified on the assignment, all late work will receive a deduction of one letter grade for each day past the due date. After four school days, a maximum of ½ credit can be earned. For excused absences, everyday the student is absent, he/she has that many days past the original due date to turn in the assignment for full credit. Special circumstances will be handled on an individual basis.
Grading Scale:
·         90-100             A
80-89               B
70-79               C
60-69               D
60-Below         F


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